Make Your Own Opportunities / Generate Your Own Work
This is a lot of toil. Your instinct might be 'how hard can it be', but getting an audience takes SO MUCH EFFORT. Maybe the work you want to make doesn't need an audience? In any case, funding applications suck, paying people either not at all or very little feels crappy, and there are endless operational things to think about, when maybe what you want to be thinking about is the music... but the benefits of making your own work are that you have stuff to film, stuff to record, and events to invite people to. You are in artistic control of what those events are, so you can choose music you think you'll do really well and show you in your best light.
This is a lot of toil. Your instinct might be 'how hard can it be', but getting an audience takes SO MUCH EFFORT. Maybe the work you want to make doesn't need an audience? In any case, funding applications suck, paying people either not at all or very little feels crappy, and there are endless operational things to think about, when maybe what you want to be thinking about is the music... but the benefits of making your own work are that you have stuff to film, stuff to record, and events to invite people to. You are in artistic control of what those events are, so you can choose music you think you'll do really well and show you in your best light.